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Ka Hikitia - Those who lift up our teachers!

Writer's picture: undefined

by Rebecca Thomas

Reflecting on the amount of blogs Steve and I have written lately I noticed there is someone missing from our library of words. Someone we all need to thank, someone to spare a thought for. Time to put this right.

Last week was a tough week.

A very important visitor was due to fly into Kerikeri for a well planned event in the Far North. The planes weren’t flying in the fog and wind that morning. Drama tahi. So many people were anticipating the moment; weeks of prepping had led to this day; no way Tāwhirimātea was going to prevent this!

One phone call later (at a rather ridiculous time in the morning) to a friend and colleague - the problem became obsolete. Without even so much as a hesitation this amazing person jumped in her car and headed to Auckland airport to pick up our VIP in person.

As the day progressed with constant updates on the unfolding, impromptu, road trip other colleagues rallied around and supported the event making sure there was time in their busy day to be present; present in the moment - accompanied with reassuring smiles that the event would be amazing.

They were right, everything was perfect!

Day 2, drama rua, Ranginui sent rain. Lots of rain.

Determined to repeat the event in a more distant location the following day, these busy friends gave up their time to help once again - despite the floods this time.

Again everything went swimmingly.

These friends/colleagues I am referring to are the very people that travel around Northland daily on the well worn roads. They sometimes travel for longer periods than they actually spend at the schools they support. They work hard assisting our schools through the stress and the sickness, the despair and to-do lists, and sometimes the very confusing messages from ‘ón high’. They are the ones who lift you all up.

Our PLD whānau.

Being a PLD consultant is a lonely job. You don’t connect daily with a familiar tribe, the travel is unrelenting and arduous, the hours are long and the problems that need solving in each kura varied. There are no fun Fridays, sports events, collegial jokes, assemblies, camps and photocopier banter moments - just lots and lots of tarmac, and emails, and video conferences.

There are many PLD consultants scattered across Aotearoa, racing around the country trying to fix what they can with an Arthur’s Emporium tool box of tricks. These facilitators turn up at your schools with smiles and hope, these facilitators offer advice in what has been a pretty uncharted journey; if you are very lucky they even bring chocolate!

Next time you see a PLD consultant stepping out of their car, Uber, or airplane, I guarantee their smiles will not reflect their tiring travel in arriving; I guarantee their humour and humility will not reflect their paperwork laden routines; I guarantee you you’ll be glad they came.

Education Consultants across New Zealand we thank you -

Tohaina ō painga ki te ao.

Share your gifts with the world.

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