“Not all those who wander, are lost.” - JRR Tolkien

A Teachers’ Life in Pictures
Wondering what my retirement
Might eventually look like,
If my journey in education were conceptualised
What picture book would be right?
An interesting provocation
To capture our career as a story,
Our pathway as a narrative
What story would you be?
Would it be colourful and vibrant?
A book that rhymes and flows?
A book with loveable characters
- Just like The Gruffalo.
Would it be lost in a crowd, like Wally?
Would it be soulful, or completely mad?
In Anthony Browne’s unique style?
Gorilla, My Mum, or My Dad?
Or, maybe lost in Wonderland?
With Alice chasing white rabbits,
Talking to crazy cats,
Or, caterpillars with habits?
Or, at a Mad Hatter’s tea party?
Singing and swapping seats,
Being much too much for muchness,
Magical things to eat and drink.
The more I puzzled this idea,
the more I enjoyed the thought.
Imagine a lasting legacy
Of a teacher as a book.
Lovingly drawn images
Read over, and over and looked.
Imagine how many hands and faces
Would paw at each wrinkled page,
Enjoying the repeated pattern,
A legacy that lasts an age.
A teacher is such a valuable person,
Bringing joy to hundreds of students.
Never asking for much
In return for their dedication,
A coffee,
Some chocolate,
Some smiles.
Just knowing they've made a difference.
It makes me proud to know
That I have spent many days
Being part of a rich tapestry that's delicate,
Woven with magical thread.
So, maybe a book and our careers
Share some similarities after all,
A book never asks for much either,
Just to be open and adored.
If you were turned into a book,
With colourful pages and words,
What would you paint the images with
To have your voices heard?
by Rebecca Thomas